
+975–77194044 (Credit/Loan)
+975–77194043 (Banking/Others)

Microfinance is a system of delivering financial services to poor and low-income people who otherwise would not have access to them. These services include loans, savings accounts, and insurance. Microfinance is often used to help people start or expand their businesses, improve their agricultural production, or pay for education or healthcare.

Microfinance was first developed in the 1970s by Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist. Yunus founded the Grameen Bank, which provides small loans to poor women in Bangladesh. The Grameen Bank has been very successful, and it has inspired the creation of microfinance institutions around the world.

With the same goal of delivering financial services to poor and low-income people who otherwise would not have access to them, Microfinance Bhutan Private Limited was established in 26th August 2019.

Microfinance Bhutan Private Ltd (MBPL), is incorporated under the Companies Act of Kingdom of Bhutan 2016 and licensed by Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) as Deposit Taking Microfinance Institution (DMFIs) in Bhutan.


To be Bhutan’s most trusted institution for rural development.


The mission of MBPL is to provide financial services to low-income individuals and small businesses who are typically excluded from traditional banking services. The primary goal is to alleviate poverty and promote economic development by offering a range of financial products and services tailored to the needs of the underserved population.

Here are some key aspects of our mission:

  1. Financial Inclusion: We aim to include marginalized and underserved individuals and communities in the formal financial system by providing access to financial services such as savings accounts and loans.

2.   Poverty Alleviation: We believe that providing access to financial resources, focusing our loans services on income-generating activities, entrepreneurship, and livelihood development, we can help individuals and communities break the cycle of poverty.

3.   Value added Services: Our mission is not only to provide financial services but also bring provide new business ideas, modern agricultural methods and ideas, and other services   which helps build capacity of individuals to manage their finances effectively and make informed financial decisions.

4.   Social Impact:  MBPL prioritize social impact alongside financial sustainability. We focus not only on terms of financial metrics but also in terms of the positive changes to the lives of our clients and the society by prioritizing our services that brings positive impacts.

5. Sustainable Development: MBPL aim to create a self-sustaining rural economy, where financial services can be provided on an ongoing basis, ensuring the availability of capital for future borrowers and expansion of services to more individuals and communities.

Core Values

Registered Office and Company’s Official Address
The Head Office is in Thimphu at the following address:
NPPF Building TH0F001 ,

Genyen Lam- Adjacent to FITI building,

Ground floor of CRST-RMA Office

Thimphu Thromde,
Thimphu 11001
Tele: +975-77194042/77194044 email: info@mbpl.bt

1. Promotors

The company is initially promoted by four private individuals holding equal share ownership.

Nima Tshering: A software Engineer with work experience in the Banking sector. With a European Master in Software Engineering, Nima has over ten years of work experience. He served four years as a system Administrator with Bhutan National Bank. Further, he also has over six years of experience as an independent IT consultant, having worked particularly for Asian Development Bank projects.

Phub Gyeltshen: An IT professional and a businessman. Phub is the Founder and CEO of Yangkhor IT.  Having served as Network Administrator for RICB in the past, he is well versed with business dealings of financial institutions.

Pema Thinley: Currently serves as Chief Executive officer of Nubri Capital Private Ltd, Bhutan’s first fund management company. Prior to that he worked as the fund Manager with Nubri Capital. He also worked form more than 10 Years in Bhutan National Bank Ltd.  He as more than 18 years of work experience in filed o banking, finance & investments. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Delhi University and Master of Business Administration from Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands.

Lam Dorji: Founder and CEO of consultancy and research firm. With Master’s degree and PhD in the field of natural resource management, he brings to the institution over twenty-five years of experience in organizational management, program development, and leading consultancy services. He has worked with government, civil society, and private sector agencies.

2. Capital Structure

Authorized Share CapitalNu. 500,000,000.00 divided into 5000,000 number
of equity shares of Nu. 100 each.
Issued and Paid-up Capital Nu. 50,000,000.00 (500,000 number of equity shares of Nu.100 each)
Number of present Shareholders25 Private Individuals

Our Branch Offices

Samtse Branch Office
Tsirang Branch Office
Zhemgang Branch office
Location: Tendrukthang, TendrukTsirangtoe gewogTingtibi
Tendruk is one of the furthest gewogs next to Norgaygang Gewog with a total population of more than 10,000 living in these two gewogs. The access  to  financial services in this areas are almost nil as the commercial banks to not cater their service to the people living in these two gewogs. Therefore, MBPL chose Tendrukthang as our location to setup our first branch office, which is centrally  located.With the same objective to serve the underserved, MBPL researched for a very viable location under Tsirang Dzongkhag. Tsirangtoe is centrally located for people living at these three gewogs of Sergithang, Phungtenchu and Tsirangtoe. There was no financial accessibility up until MBPL opened our third Branch Office at Tsirangtoe.Not forgetting our objective to develop our rural economy, MBPL chose our second Branch Office at Tingtibi to cater our financial service to Khenrig Namsum Corporation groups in Tingtibi which is one of the largest farmers groups in the country.