
+975–77194044 (Credit/Loan)
+975–77194043 (Banking/Others)

Education Loan

Education Loan:  Torch bearer of our future generation.

Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and creating a brighter future. Although education is free for all in our nation, the cost of education can be a significant barrier for many individuals who had to pursue higher/ further education away from home or in other far-flung government/ private schools.  We recognize this challenge and therefore, play a pivotal role in providing education loans to enable aspiring students to pursue their educational goals. We understand that empowering an individual with education will help a family to break free from the cycle of poverty and transform their lives.

Education loans we offer are specifically tailored to meet the financial needs of students and their families. Understanding the varying financial requirements of students and we offer loans that are tailored to meet their specific needs. This ensures that students can borrow an amount that covers tuition fees, books, accommodation, and other related expenses.

Eligibility: Any students above age 18 years pursuing education in private/government schools / colleges.

Rate of Interest: 18.50% p.a

Tenor: Maximum of five years.

Quantum: Maximum of Nu.500,000.00 (five hundred thousand).

Repayment Schedule: Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annually/Annually.


  1. Passport size photograph of applicant (Latest): 2 nos.
  2. CID copy of applicant.
  3. Original Lagthram
  4. CID copy of thram owner.
  5. Family tree details of thram owner (if the land is under family ownership type) and family clearance.
  6. A witness with CID copy.