
+975–77194044 (Credit/Loan)
+975–77194043 (Banking/Others)

Micro-Enterprise/Small-Business Loan

Empowering Small Businesses

Microfinance Bhutan Pvt. Ltd. (MBPL) had been instrumental in providing financial services to underserved populations, particularly microentrepreneurs who lack access to formal banking systems. Microenterprise loans we offered are customized to meet the financing needs of small businesses, enabling them to grow, create employment opportunities, and contribute to our local economies.

 Wee prioritize our lending to marginalized groups, such as women entrepreneurs, individuals from rural areas, and those belonging to low-income communities, empowering them to become self-reliant and economically independent.

Strengthening microenterprises fosters local entrepreneurship, builds community resilience, and enhances the overall socioeconomic development of underserved areas.

Access to finance allows microenterprises to scale their operations, improve productivity, and seize market opportunities, leading to long-term business growth and sustainability.

The loan under this category shall be appraised and sanctioned against satisfactory cash flow, income, collateral & guarantee based on the following product features;

  1. Eligibility: Any individual with valid Trade Business License;
  2. Purpose   
    • Partial financing for a business or purchase of a business;
    • Expansion of a business such as:
      1. Purchase of stocks,
      2. Expansion of working facilities;
      3. Modernizing a plant;
  3. Overdraft Facilities/Business Loan; and
  4. Setting up of new business ventures.
  5. Rate of Interest: 19.5% p.a
  6. Tenor: Maximum of five years.
  7. Quantum: Maximum of Nu.500,000.00 (five hundred thousand only).


  1. Passport size photograph (Latest): 2 nos.
  2. Valid Business License
  3. CID copy of applicant.
  4. Original Lagthram
  5. CID copy of thram owner.
  6. Family tree details of thram owner (if the land is under family ownership type) and family clearance.
  7. A witness with CID copy.